The Center for Rehabilitation of Addicts (drugs, alcohol and gambling) – Pokrov Izbor is one of the first social enterprises. Its beginnings were at the end of the previous century, when drugs abuse was on the rise, and at that time this center was opened with the assistance of the Church. Here drug addicts are rehabilitated, and it is a process that lasts at least 18 months, and ends with their reintegration in the society.
The addicted persons need strong support
„The addicted persons need strong support – addiction creates great harm economically, emotionally and on the health of the person. The addicts mostly come from dysfunctional families, so it is important to be there for them during the rehabilitation process and it is not easy for them to go back to the society. Work is key for their rehabilitation. And their work supports the operation of the center. But in order to maintain our position on the market, we have to have a lot of competitive products and our products are of high quality…”, Sokrat Manchev said, from Pokrov Izbor.
The Ministry of Labor and Social Policy covers 70% of the operational costs, so it was needed to have additional economic activity in order to cover the rest of the expenditures in the Center. These additional activities comprise growing different fruit and vegetable crops on 5 hectares of land, and since recently the center has also obtained a drier for dehydrating the produce. They also produce fresh salads under the brand name of “Fresh to go”, which have added value and are sold in retail supermarket chains, such as Vero, Ramstor, Makpetrol… Pokrov Izbor labels their products so when you buy them you know that you are supporting their mission and you are helping them. The Association also provides catering services for the Red Cross, for the Strumica Theater and others.