At the Centre for Social Enterprises, on 27 May a meeting was held on support of social enterprises by the state and the donor community. The meeting was attended by the Minister of Labor and Social Policy, Jovanka Trenchevska, together with the EU Ambassador, David Gere, the Ambassador of the... Continue reading
ORGANO LOGISTIC will deliver training in relation to beekeeping to persons serving their sentence in prison Through the mentoring support from the Regional Office for Social Entrepreneurship in the Southeast Planning Region, the Organo Logistic Association cooperated with Strumica Prison to provide training on beekeeping as occupation for persons serving... Continue reading
Can companies support social entrepreneurship? On 13 June 2002, the Conference on Supporting Social Enterprises was held in Skopje to promote social entrepreneurship to the private sector. Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Policy Enver Huseyin opened the Conference with a sincere commitment to the development of the social economy... Continue reading
The media play a major role in raising public awareness of social entrepreneurship. With the idea to inform and inspire them to follow closely the development of social entrepreneurship in Macedonia, on June 8, 2002, a workshop for journalists was held at the Center for Support of Social Enterprises, under... Continue reading