ORGANO LOGISTIC will deliver training in relation to beekeeping to persons serving their sentence in prison
Through the mentoring support from the Regional Office for Social Entrepreneurship in the Southeast Planning Region, the Organo Logistic Association cooperated with Strumica Prison to provide training on beekeeping as occupation for persons serving a prison sentence.
The two organizations were also interested in starting this type of cooperation. On one hand, the Association, which seeks to grow into a future social enterprise, needs workers and on the other hand the Prison, which should ensure integration and resocialization of persons who serve a prison sentence for minor crimes, allows them to use the time spent in the prison for training.
The Memorandum of Cooperation was signed by the two organizations in March 2022, and the training officially began on April 1st and will last at least one beekeeping season with the possibility to be repeated each year.
Persons who serve a prison sentence for minor crimes through ORGANO LOGISTICS will learn beekeeping techniques, how to produce additional wax frames, how to recycle wax from their own production, as well as how to mow and landscape around the beehives.
The cooperation implemented with the support of the Project, is a good example of cooperation that has the potential to grow into regular practice, and will allow those who are serving a prison sentence to get the opportunity to go through the reintegration process and at the same time acquire skills that they could use after going back to the community.